IMG Chili - pollution, waste management, travel, celebrity news

How inflation influences the price of gold

The price of gold reached record levels recently. Countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia, among others, have been experiencing marked inflation, often leading to cost of living...

The AI Advantage in Creating a Cleaner, Smarter Future

Artificial intelligence in waste management New renewable and low carbon gas production technologies are the way of the future. But managing our waste effectively is one of the greatest challenges of our time...

Diving Deep: Unraveling the Enigma of Vanishing Plastic in Our Oceans

Oceans: on the trail of the mystery of lost plastic Millions of tons of plastic are thrown into the sea every year, but only a small part is visible. Where does the rest go? Researchers are now one step closer...

Editor’s pick

Solar Panels Explained

What Is A Solar Panel The sun is the source of solar energy. When the sun’s rays hit a solar panel (also known as a “photovoltaic panel”), they’re converted into electricity which can be used to...

Gainesville Landfill System

The main source of pollution caused by a landfill is contamination of the water table by percolation water (leachate) loaded with various pollutants. As a result, the dry landfill will have almost zero environmental...

This week’s hottest

food waste recycling

A new food waste disposal machine

The Eco-Safe Digestor is an all-new type of food waste disposal machine, being distributed by a schoolmate of Tesla, Paypal and SpaceX founder Elon Musk. Alex Giacchetti, chief operating officer at GreenComm...

Rihanna Net Worth

Rihanna has become one of the biggest stars on the planet. Everywhere on this earth, people know her name and can recognize her music. But just how big has she made it compared to her music industry counterparts...

Top Things to Do in London

London has a lot of tourist attractions to offer for a few weeks, at least. However many tourists come only for a long weekend. But that also can be enough to at least the major attractions and sites to visit. We show...

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